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Let’s stop the hagiography
For several years now, some students at Muhlenberg and other colleges across the country have followed the national Republican party...
Muhlenberg College Hillel commemorates Kristallnacht
On Wednesday, Nov. 9, Muhlenberg College Hillel, which was recently named The Leffell Center for Jewish Life, sponsored an event for all...
Editorial: The other election—Discussing SGA's future
On Thursday, Nov. 17, our student body will pick the president and representatives of the Student Government Association (SGA). There are...
Transitioning academic identity: the move from pre-health to pre-med
On my tours of Muhlenberg, I was instantly attracted to the descriptions of the pre-medical program. However, we are so much more than...
Can the Mules Sweep the Scotty Wood Tournament?
Plenty of Philadelphia suburbs will be represented this weekend in the annual Scotty Wood Tournament. For the 35th year, Muhlenberg...
Living, Breathing, Moving Stories: It starts with a single movement
As the lights slowly fade into existence, artfully employed as decorations on the blank setting of the stage, the dancers are brought to...
The other election: discussing SGA's future
On Thursday, Nov. 17, our student body will pick the president and representatives of the Student Government Association (SGA). There are...
Muhlenberg organizes Songs in Solidarity
Students gathered in Miller Forum on Friday for an evening of community and togetherness. After the tumultuous election of Donald Trump...
Field hockey wins ECAC Championship match
Field hockey may not have won the Centennial Conference Championship, but they recently earned the title as ECAC (Eastern College...
Letter to the Editor: Let's stop the hagiography
For several years now, some students at Muhlenberg and other colleges across the country have followed the national Republican party...
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