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The rise of SIT: one of ‘Berg’s comedy groups
SIT, Muhlenberg’s Stand-Up Comedy Group, is one of the newest performance ensembles here on campus, and the only stand-up comedy group....
The Marvel Model: a review of Doctor Strange
I find it absolutely astonishing that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been as successful as it’s been for as long as it has. You would...
Muhlenberg College Hillel commemorates Kristallnacht
On Wednesday, Nov. 9, Muhlenberg College Hillel, which was recently named The Leffell Center for Jewish Life, sponsored an event for all...
Living, Breathing, Moving Stories: It starts with a single movement
As the lights slowly fade into existence, artfully employed as decorations on the blank setting of the stage, the dancers are brought to...
Muhlenberg organizes Songs in Solidarity
Students gathered in Miller Forum on Friday for an evening of community and togetherness. After the tumultuous election of Donald Trump...
A festival of lights: an insider’s perspective on Diwali
Last weekend, Muhlenberg College embraced its cultural diversity by sponsoring several events to celebrate the Hindu festival of light,...
The struggle and hope of Israel
On Nov. 3 we were graced with the presence of Shaanan Streett from the band Hadag Nahash. During his talk, there was a consistent theme...
Pieces of love: Stuff-a-plush in Seegers
The evening of Nov. 4 brought a very exciting event to the Muhlenberg campus—Stuff-a-Plush. We may all be college students, and some...
Campus wide bonfire heats up student activity
On Saturday Nov. 5, the first campus-wide bonfire lit Muhlenberg College. The free event, which was sponsored by the Student Activities...
Art and Politics: Where does it fit?
Many people turn to entertainment in times of crisis, often to distract themselves. However, for Shaanan Streett and his band Hadag...
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