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Letter to the Editor: About Stirfriday

To the Editor and Mr. Wamser,

Please, allow us to retorte (see what we did there?). We truly and honestly appreciate the enthusiasm that was clearly evident in your op/ed “Everything Wrong with Mule Express” in the Nov. 3 edition of The Muhlenberg Weekly.

With that said, you may have whiffed on the headline... “Mule Express is a Mess” is much more eloquent and poetic. (Disclaimer: Mule Express is neither a mess nor is everything wrong with it.)

Back to the subject at hand; Stir Fryday. On paper, mov- ing Stir Fry from Wednesday to Friday at Mule Express may seem like an easy task. That is until one considers the phenomenon that is “Wokabilities.” Offered each Friday at Chef’s Table in the Wood Dining Commons, “Wokabilities” is as engrained in Muhlenberg’s culture as Victor’s Lament and sack people. Menu mix is a large part of our program’s success and offering similar menus at the Wood Dining Commons and Mule Express on the same day would not benefit our customers.

Perhaps, we can agree to a compromise and skirt sacrificing the stir fry success of “Wokabilities.” Muhlenberg Dining has a deep commitment to listening to its customers. If presented with a petition of more than 1,000 signatures, we pledge to rename “Wokabilities” to “Stir Friday.” This is how democracy should work, right?

Mr. Wamser, the chopsticks are in your wok.

Given that we are in the midst of a critical time in American history, it is reassuring to know that our customers remain passionate about food on campus. And, for that, we sincerely thank you.

With great appreciation,

Muhlenberg Dining

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Since 1883, The Muhlenberg Weekly has been the official, independent student-run newspaper of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The Weekly is the premier source for news and important topics affecting the Muhlenberg community, and is the College's oldest student organization.  

The Muhlenberg Weekly © 2017  Serving the Muhlenberg College Community Since 1883

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