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SGA Report: Nov. 3 meeting

As part of The Weekly’s renewed commitment to improving transparency between the Muhlenberg College community and the bodies that govern it, a short recap of all Student Government Association meetings will be printed the week following the meeting.

On Nov. 3, SGA met in the Seegers Union Great Room and addressed a variety of topics in the approximately 60-minute-long meeting.

Christian Balodis ‘17, the SGA President, addressed the Assembly about the Board of Trustees meeting. Related to student life, he said that the Board is looking for solutions to the wait-list at counseling services, as well as assessing the Diversity Strategic Plan.

Nicole Case ’18, the SGA Treasurer, updated the Assembly with the balances of the SGA accounts. Case officially announced that revisions to the finance manual were completed, and that 60 student clubs submitted budgets for the Spring 2017 semester.

Jacob Krol ’18, the SGA Executive Secretary, spoke about a potential updated tank-top policy in the Life Sports Center. More discussions on this matter will occur moving forward.

The Student Grant Committee gave its first report with responses to the allocation of $40,000 to student-generated ideas about campus life. One from the first set of submissions will be pursued: a personal trainer program in the Life Sports Center. The form will be resent every two weeks.

Lastly, two student organization’s special requests were addressed. The Muhlenberg Weekly was granted $2,178 for a new computer, and Muhlenberg Comedy Central was granted $360 to cater an upcoming event.

The meeting adjourned without incident at approximately 8:00 p.m.

About The Muhlenberg Weekly

Since 1883, The Muhlenberg Weekly has been the official, independent student-run newspaper of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The Weekly is the premier source for news and important topics affecting the Muhlenberg community, and is the College's oldest student organization.  

The Muhlenberg Weekly © 2017  Serving the Muhlenberg College Community Since 1883

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