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A look back at my Muhlenberg days

I arrived on this campus a mere two years ago as a transfer student, and I never dreamed that two years of my life could have unfolded in such a fulfilling, powerful way.

When I first came here, the college craziness immediately set in: attending new classes, meeting new friends, navigating a new campus. It was a whirlwind, albeit an enjoyable one, but something was missing. I have always been an avid writer, and I’d been missing having an outlet for my writing over the years. That’s when I stumbled upon The Muhlenberg Weekly.

Joining The Weekly staff was one of the best decisions I ever made here. I was able to cover interesting events that took place on this vibrant, enthusiastic campus and I made wonderful new friends. My writing was on display for the whole school to see, and I was able to watch the Weekly grow and develop into a smart, professional publication of which any college would be proud. After a couple of semesters, I was promoted to Co-Editor of the Arts & Culture section of the newspaper, a responsibility I didn’t take lightly.

With the help of my fellow staff members and my lovely, ever-reliable co-editor Lauren Mazur ‘19, I set to work. My job was not an easy one; sending already busy students on assignments, making sure we get their articles back in a timely manner and editing them, all while struggling under the weight of a required college workload? No small feat. Lauren handled the physical layout of the section, and I would not have been able to get through my first semester as editor without her.

Lauren went abroad this past semester, however, and we chose one of our most talented A&C writers, Brooke Weber ‘20, to take over her position. We couldn’t have made a better choice! I took on more responsibilities as Brooke learned the ropes this semester. I’ll admit, there were those stressful moments that made the job somewhat less than enjoyable, but I wouldn’t have given up my role on the Weekly staff for anything in the world. Thanks for everything, Brooke! You can have all of my GQ vouchers.

A quick shoutout to my fellow graduating seniors, Kaitlin Errickson, our Sports Editor, and Haris Bhatti, our Photography Editor. As we leave the newspaper and Muhlenberg behind, we will always treasure the great times we had bringing news, sports, arts, culture and cool photographs to members of the Muhlenberg community.

I am going to miss my fellow staff members very much. Greg Kantor ‘18, our Editor-in-Chief, keeps us running as a cohesive news machine; Chloe Gravereaux ‘19, the paper’s assistant managing editor, is not only incredibly organized but also makes the cutest gift bags I’ve ever seen; Emily Davidson ‘18 is our Op/Ed Editor and always has a great smile on her face; The Weekly is lucky to have Melissa Reph ‘20 as a News Editor, and I’ve never met anyone with so many cool comic-book T-shirts; and Ian Adler ‘20 is the only Asst. News Editor I’ve ever known to have such a kick-ass mustache.

Another shoutout to Professor Sara Vigneri, our adviser and heart of the newspaper, and Lynne Septon, who prints The Weekly and gives us the chance to show the Muhlenberg campus just how awesome we are.

Thank you to my fellow students, the Muhlenberg faculty, and all of my friends and family who have supported my writing career. I’ll miss this place. I don’t know where I would be without it.

This is Sara Gottlieb signing off!

About The Muhlenberg Weekly

Since 1883, The Muhlenberg Weekly has been the official, independent student-run newspaper of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

The Weekly is the premier source for news and important topics affecting the Muhlenberg community, and is the College's oldest student organization.  

The Muhlenberg Weekly © 2017  Serving the Muhlenberg College Community Since 1883

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