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A cappella weekly spotlight: the Chaimonics
As part of our A Cappella Fest series, our featured group of the week is the Chaimonics! The Chais are Muhlenberg’s Jewish A Cappella...
Men's tennis expects a successful 2017 season
With just one senior on the roster and a new head coach, it may sound like this will be a year of major adjustments to most. However, the...
'Berg Celebrates Super Bowl Sunday
Students filled the Red Door to watch the 51st Super Bowl on Feb. 5 from 6:30-10:00 p.m. The Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots...
Winterfest brings students a winter wonderland of fun
If you love winter and love having fun, but also want to stay on campus and have the opportunity to hang out with friends, then chances...
MTA Roundtable discusses race in casting
It is pretty much basic knowledge that theater is a pretty big deal here at Muhlenberg. With a plethora of productions ranging from main...
A capella weekly spotlight: The Girls Next Door
Leading up to Muhlenberg’s best a cappella event of the semester, A Cappella Fest, The Weekly will be printing a feature article on a...
Indoor track and field heads to Fastrack National Invite
The best of our Muhlenberg track and field team will be heading to Staten Island this Friday Feb. 10 to compete in the Fastrack National...
SGA celebrates new Life Sports Center dress code with Free the Shoulder Campaign
Right when the second semester began, an exciting email was sent to every Muhlenberg student stating that the Appropriate Attire Policy...
'Berg basketball aims for Conference playoffs
The college basketball season is coming to a close and it has been an exciting one for the men’s and women’s teams at Berg. Both teams...
How not to respond to an outbreak: Delayed and ineffective response to norovirus from College sicken
This week, Muhlenberg has been dealing with a norovirus outbreak. I’d know: as a member of MCEMS who responded to several potential...
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