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How Campus Safety notes serve you
Most readers of The Weekly pick up a copy and immediately flip to the Campus Safety Notes on page four, where we transcribe incidents...
The [Wonderful] truth Muhlenberg [isn’t] hiding
I [will forever] love Muhlenberg but after learning what I did I [will continue to] stand by them [forever] more and I [do] see how...
Editorial: A hateful end to free speech?
Just two weeks ago, we defended Milo Yiannopoulos’ right to express his views—however provocative or politically incorrect they might be....
This Week in Muhlenberg College History: Football rivalries lead to ‘non-aggression pacts’
Though Muhlenberg has its fair share of intense athletic rivalries, we always strive to act respectfully. This, however, was not always...
‘Berg reacts to travel ban
Syria has been a big buzzword throughout the 2016 presidential election, made even more relevant by President Trump’s recent travel ban....
Norovirus survives cleansing efforts
Tara Ellwood ‘19 only recently moved back into her dorm. She moved out on February 8, when her roommate came down with the much-dreaded...
Looking forward to Listen to Me
The Muhlenberg Theatre Association is starting the spring semester off with the first of three Mainstage plays, Listen to Me. Listen to...
DeVos is Education Secretary: What can we do next?
My first grade teacher, Mrs. Shelling, was a young woman with short blonde hair and a smile that could calm down a classroom of 30...
Alleged student assault leads to pending investigation
Roughly three weeks ago an incident occurred on campus which went unknown to many students. Freshman Harrison Callahan reportedly pulled...
An even more liberal arts education
One of the biggest selling points of Muhlenberg is that it is a liberal arts college. As anyone who toured colleges before choosing to...
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